How do I connect to eduroam on my Android device?
eduroam is a federated network access service developed for universities and colleges around the world to share internet access. When you travel to a university that is a member of eduroam, you can join the 'eduroam' wi-fi network and use encrypted internet access for free. To learn more about eduroam, check out our FAQ.
Follow these directions no matter where you are connecting to eduroam from, whether it's the EWU campus or another eduroam-participating institution.
Open Wi-Fi 'Settings' for your Android device. On most Android devices, you may do this by swiping down from the top left of your screen and then touching and holding the WiFi icon. You can also access this screen by touching the cog in the lower right, selecting Network & Internet and then Wi-Fi. Sometimes, the cog is labeled 'Settings.'

From the available list of networks, select eduroam.

Use the following settings:
SSID: eduroam (do not change it)
Security: 802.1x EAP
EAP method: PEAP
Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
CA certificate: leave at unspecified
Anonymous Identity: leave blank
Password: your EWU SSO password
Click Connect or Save when you are finished. These settings apply to all Android devices. Your screen should look similar to one below.
Some versions of Android may require you to specify a CA certificate. If so, select "Use System Certificates" and enter "" for the domain.
Some versions of Android, e.g. Samsung Galaxies, might not provide any option to validate the certificate or will say "CA certificate must be selected." In those cases, choose the "Don't Validate" option instead.

Your device should now be connected to eduroam!
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