Dorm Internet Connection Instructions
Internet Connection in Eastern Washington University Residence Halls
HARDWARE: All residence hall rooms can connect to the Internet through an Ethernet connection and/or wireless. You must have a standard Ethernet cable connected to the correct port (avoiding the telephone outlet which may be on the same faceplate in your room). Assuming you and your roommate wish to be online at the same time you will need a network hub or switch (NOT a router). This hub/switch will be connected between your computers and the wall port.
For wireless connections we provide an open network which doesn’t require any login or password. To connect to the wireless network on your mobile device, navigate through your settings to find your wifi or wireless connections settings. Search the available networks and find the network named “EWUhousing” and connect. We also have a secured network SSID called “eduroam”. You may connect to this SSID using your EWU credentials (Full EWU e-mail address, normal SSO password) for a secured wireless connection. There are detailed instructions for joining this network available here.
For rooms that have a single network port, if you and your roommate wish to connect at the same time you will need a switch (NOT a router). This switch will be connected between your computers and the wall port. For rooms that have a Cisco Wireless Access Point on the wall, you will use the ports located on the bottom of the device labeled PSE-LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3. A screenshot of this device is enclosed below. *Note. The port labeled Pass-Thru is only utilized in Snyamancut Hall to connect your cable TV using an adapter provided by request.

If your device is suffering from a slower than usual wireless connection, please turn off the Wifi connectivity on your device. Wait a few moments, then turn it back on. Your device should then automatically seek out the nearest access point with the strongest connection. Keep in mind that performance may dip over busier times of the day, such as the evening or weekends when many users are simultaneously using the network for productivity, streaming or gaming. A wired connection is strongly recommended for gaming and other high data needs.
Expectation of Proper Use of the EWU Residence Hall Network:
You are expected to adhere to the Student Conduct Code and the Residential Life Living Guide which you can read in their entirety at:
The three largest violations for which we will not protect you from the law are:
(1) Illegal downloads of any copyrighted material – audio, visual, or written.
(2) Activities recognized as illegal by local, state, or federal governments.
(3) Malicious activity toward the network or others.
In addition, EWU Housing and Residential Life does not allow:
(1) Installation of a router on the network.
(2) Operating your computer as a web server.
(3) Lack of current anti-virus software and operating system patches.
(4) Distribution of unsolicited messages which cause excessive network traffic.
If you need any further assistance, please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: