EWUsecure Wireless Network (Windows 10)
EWUsecure is an encrypted network for use when on Campus.
On a Windows 10 PC, begin by clicking the globe icon in the lower right of your screen.

This will bring up a list of all the available wireless networks. Select EWUsecure and click Connect.
You may be prompted for you username and password. If so, use the following values:
Username: your EWU SSO Username
Password: your EWU SSO password
After providing this information, your PC should automatically connect. Confirm that you are connected to EWUsecure by verifying that you see the following information when you click on the WiFi icon in the lower right (which as replaced the globe icon).

If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu