How do I stop syncing a OneDrive Shared Library? macOS Open the OneDrive client. Look for the OneDrive icon (the cloud) in the Menu Then click Help & Settings In the flyout, select Preferences A window will open, click Account. Click Stop Sync. Confirm that you want to stop syncing that library. Your local copies of any synced files will remain on your Mac. However, they will no longer sync to OneDrive. You can delete them without affecting the files still in OneDrive. Windows On a PC, look for the blue OneDrive icon the tasktray (you may need to select the carat to see the icon) Then click Help & Settings In the flyout, select Settings. A window will open, go to the Account tab. Click Stop Sync. Confirm that you want to stop syncing that library. Your local copies of any synced files will remain on your Mac. However, they will no longer sync to OneDrive. You can delete them without affecting the files still in OneDrive. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: