Personal Device FAQS
Q. Can I use my personal device (laptop, phone, desktop) for work purposes?
A. Yes, this is not prohibited by university policy, state ethics rules, or state law.
Q. Can I bring my work device (laptop, mobile device, desktop) home for work purposes?
A. Yes, but before bringing your device home, please contact the IT Help Desk (509.359.2247) to ensure that the device will work as expected off-campus.
Q. If I use my personal device for work purposes, is it going to be searched if there's a public records request?
A. To avoid this issue, only use university-provided cloud services like Outlook, Office 365, Google Workspace, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Zoom, and Canvas. By using these services, any work-related documents, communication, and records are automatically stored on university services.
Q. Can I access Banner from my personal device?
A. Yes. Banner is now a web-based service and no records are saved on your personal device. If you export files from Banner and make changes to them, though, that is a public record and should be saved in your Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive.
Q. Can I use my personal email account for work purposes?
A. This is highly discouraged and will expose your personal account(s) to public records request searches.
Q. Can I have the IT department work on my personal computer if I use it for work purposes?
A. No. From the WA State Ethic Board's FAQs:
Question: Can I bring my personal laptop it into work and have our IT department work on it if I use it for agency work and I experience a virus or other problem?
Answer: No, you would need to repair your personal laptop on your own regardless of how much you used it for agency work.
Q. Is there software available to install on my personal device for work purposes?
A. Yes, Microsoft Office 365 is licensed for use on personal devices and is available to all faculty, staff, and students. See this knowledge base article for instructions. You may use Office 365 on up to five machines, including your university-owned devices.
Adobe Acrobat DC and Creative Cloud is also licensed for use on personal devices. If you have a license assigned, follow these instructions to install on your personal devices. You may use Adobe products on up to two machines, including your university-owned devices.
You may also install and connect to the university network using our VPN. Instructions are also available in our knowledge base. The VPN is available to all faculty, staff, and students.
Other Questions?
If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: