How do I connect to eduroam on my iOS (Apple) device?
eduroam is a federated network access service developed for universities and colleges around the world to share internet access. When you travel to a university that is a member of eduroam, you can join the 'eduroam' wi-fi network and use encrypted internet access for free. To learn more about eduroam, check out our FAQ.
Follow these directions no matter where you are connecting to eduroam from, whether it's the EWU campus or another eduroam-participating institution.
On your iOS home screen, touch the Settings (cog) icon. From the Settings menu, select Wi-Fi.

Under "CHOOSE A NETWORK...", select eduroam.

Use the following settings to Join the network:
Password: your EWU SSO password
Click Join after entering this information.

You should see a check next to the eduroam wireless network to signify setup is complete.