EWU Guest Wireless
To access the EWU guest wireless network, you will need to connect to the EWUguest SSID and activate the connection. Follow the directions below to connect.
Faculty, staff, and students of EWU should use the eduroam or EWUSecure networks instead, which do not require registration or activation. Instructions are in our knowledgebase.
1. Connect the the guest SSID labeled EWUguest. No password or credentials are required.
2. Once connected you will be automatically redirected to a captive portal login screen. Depending the type of device or operating system you are using, you will either be redirected automatically to a login screen or a message will appear stating that you need to sign into the WiFi network.
3. You will first be presented with the EWU Terms of Service. Please review and accept by clicking I Accept... on the bottom of the page.

4. Next, you will be asked to enter an email address, which must be a working address that you can access!

You must wait for the status bar to complete loading before you close this window.

After entering your email address, you will be granted temporary network access to check your email account and activate your session. Keep in mind, this temporary access will last only 10 minutes so make sure to check your email and activate within that time.
5. You will receive an e-mail from pf-no-reply@ewu.edu. In case you don’t see it in your inbox, check your spam folder. Simply click Activate Access to enable you session.

6. Once you’re activated, you will receive an email confirmation along with an expiration time.

7. Your access will last for 24 hours. To extend your access, complete this process again.
If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu