New Account Activation
Activating your EWU account provides you access to important resources and online services, including registration, email, Google, the library, and many more.
1. Begin by browsing to and clicking Activate Account or visit this link

2. Enter the required information (this information will have been sent to you by Admissions or Human Resources) and then click Activate.
- First Name (Please note that the first name will be whatever preferred name you provided when enrolling)
- Last Name
- Username, example: eagle1
- Verification Code / ID Number, example: 00123456
- Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD), example: 1992-10-12

3. If everything matches, you'll receive confirmation that your account is active. The information you enter must match exactly to what you submitted to EWU during the Admissions process.

4. Enter a password for your account and click Change Password. Your password must meet the requirements shown on on the screen.

5. If your new password matches and meets the complexity requirements, you'll receive a confirmation.

6. Next, you'll be asked to setup your security questions and answers. Remember your answers! If you forget your password, you can use your answers to reset your account! Click Save Answers when finished.

7.After entering your answers, you'll receive confirmation that they have been saved. Click Continue. Your account is now active!

If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: