What are EWU Alerts and how do I sign up?
EWU Alerts is a notification system that sends a text message, e-mail, and other methods of communication to you, when there is an emergency or campus safety situation (including school closures).
By default, all faculty, staff, and current students are enrolled in EWU Alerts with their university-provided email address. To manage your account and add your mobile device or additional email addresses, click the EWU Alerts button on https://inside.ewu.edu under News & Calendars in the Community Links tab.
For more information about EWU alerts, visit this page: https://inside.ewu.edu/police/ewu-alerts/
If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu