How do I reset my Canvas password?
EWU Student, faculty, or staff
To access, use your whole EWU email and SSO password.
If your password has expired, you will not be able to login to Canvas or other EWU online services.
If your login is no longer working and you know that your password is correct, it has likely expired. To change your password in this case:
- Go to The following page will load.

- Login using your EWU Username or email and existing SSO password.
- You may be asked to setup your password recovery questions. Complete them to continue.
- Select the Change Password option. Enter a new password that meets the complexity requirements. Click the Change Password button at the bottom to continue. Your password is changed and you should be able to login to Canvas again.

- Consider taking a moment to update your Profile. If provide your SMS number or personal email address, you can use those options to recover a forgotten password in the future.
If you do not know your SSO password and you have previously setup your password recovery questions or provided a personal email or SMS number follow the steps below:
- Go to
- Select Forgotten Password

- Enter your Username (if you do not know your username, please contact the Help Desk at 509-359-2247)

- Your available options may vary, depending on whether you've just set your password recovery questions or if you've provided a SMS number or personal email address. If you haven't previously provided any of this information, you will receive a PWM error message. To reset your password, you will need to call the IT Help Desk at 509-359-2247. Passwords are not set over email for security reasons.

- Set your password.
non-EWU student, faculty, or staff
Canvas access for non-EWU affiliated members (e.g. Observers, WSU, & UW students) is through this URL:
This URL only works for non-EWU members.
If you've forgotten your password, click the Forget Password? link on that page.

If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: