How do I schedule a specific conference room through Outlook?
When scheduling to use a specific conference room through Outlook you can use either the web version or the application version.
To schedule out a conference room you will need to know the official abbreviation for the building and the room number for the specific conference room.
You can find a list of official building abbreviations and their conference rooms here:
Web version of Outlook
1) Navigate to and click on "Outlook" (1a) and select "Calendar" from the drop down menu (1b).
2) From the new tab click on the "New event" buttonto begin scheduling the event.
3) Start by adding a title (3a) and adding the email address of any attendees you wish to be included in the event (3b)
4) To select a specific room to schedule a meeting you MUST type "room - " followed by the building abbreviation and room number into either the "Invite attendees" (4a) section or the "Search for a room or location" section (4b).
5) Once a room is selected choose a date and time from their respective areas (5a). Room availablility will be visible on the right hand side of the page (5b).
Outlook Desktop Application
1) Open the Outlook application and click on the calendar tab on the left hand side.
2) From the Calendar tab Click "New event" in the top left hand corner.
3) In the new window start by adding a title (3a) and adding the email address of any attendees you wish to be included in the event (3b).
4) To select a specific room to schedule a meeting you MUST type "room - " followed by the building abbreviation and room number into either the "Invite attendees" (4a) section or the "Search for a room or location" section (4b).
5) Once a room is selected choose a date and time from their respective areas (5a). Room availablility will be visible on the right hand side of the page (5b).