How do I Manage a Google Group List?
Viewing your groups
Access groups you are a member of as well as groups you manage.
- Browse to
- Click My Groups.
- Select the group you would like to manage.
Viewing Membership
- Browse to
- Click My Groups.
- Select the group and choose one of the following:
- To see a list of current members, on the left, click People and then Members.
- To see a list of all banned members, click People and then Banned.
- To see a list of all pending members, click People and then Pending.
The latter two options only apply to groups with external members. Use the search bar on the "Group Members" page to filter the membership list.
Note: Your rights might limit your ability to see group membership.
Viewing and managing settings
You are able to adjust a limited number of settings for any group you manage.
- Browse to
- Click My Groups.
- Select the group you would like to manage and select Group settings.
Directly adding members
This option will directly add members to the group, no confirmation from the new user is required.
- Browse to
- Click My Groups.
- Select the group you would like to manage.
- On the left menu, click Members.
- Click Add members at the top of the screen.
- Under Group members, Group managers, or Group owners, enter the email addresses of the people you want to add.
- If desired, you can enter a welcome message in the Welcome message box. This step is optional.
- Under Subscription, use the drop-down menu to select how new members will receive messages:
- All email
- Digest (Up to 25 complete messages are combined into single emails and sent daily)
- Abridged (Summaries of up to 150 messages are combined into single emails and sent daily)
- None (web participation only)
- Click Add members.
Note: Some groups do not allow external members. Contact IT to have this setting changed.
Invite people to join a Google Group
This option will send an invitation to the user's email account. Invitees must accept the invitation to join the group. This choice is best used when membership is optional.
- Browse to
- Click My Groups.
- Select the group you would like to manage.
- Click Add members at the top of the screen.
- Click the toggle at the bottom of the pop-up window to turn off Directly add members (this may already be de-selected for you).
- Under Group members, enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite to the group.
- Click Send invites.
Removing members from a Google Group
Group managers and owners can remove members from the group.
- Browse to
- Click My Groups
- Select the group you would like to manage.
- Click Members.
- Hover over the profile icon of the member you want to remove and check the box to the left of the name. Select additional members as needed or check the box in the upper left to select all members. Be sure to unselect yourself before proceeding or you will remove your own access!
- In the menu in the upper right, select the Remove member (circled minus sign) to complete their removal.
- If prompted to confirm, select Remove.
Changing member options
Group managers and owners can change the role, subscription, or posting rights of members.
- Browse to
- Click My Groups
- Select the group you would like to manage.
- Click Members.
- Hover over the profile icon of the member you want to change and check the box to the left of the name. Select additional members as needed or check the box in the upper left to select all members. Be sure to unselect yourself before proceeding if you don't want to make changes to your own settings.
- In the menu in the upper right, select the option you would like to change:

They include:
- role (manager, member, owner)
- subscription (All email, digest, abridged, no email)
- posting (ability to email the list)
- Confirm your changes if prompted.