Microsoft Teams FAQs
Q. How long do we have to make the transition?
A. Skype for Business will completely stop functioning next summer, but many features are already deprecated. We intend to switch everyone over to Teams this summer.
Q. Do students have access Teams? Can they be part of a faculty/staff Team? What about external users?
A. Students do have access Teams and both students and external users (guests) can be added to your Teams.
Q. How do I learn more about Teams?
Q. Does Microsoft Teams include calling out features?
A. No, It's an (expensive) add-on feature and not something we plan to add to our Microsoft license.
Q. What are the differences between Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams?
A. This page provides a comparison between the two applications.
Q. Is Teams compatible with Skype or Skype for Business?
A. No. They are three completely different products. Skype is a consumer product and is not available through Office 365. Zoom is a much better, and reliable, alternative.