Common Problems - Virtual Labs 2.0
Why do I have to wait 2 minutes after I log in?
The initial two-minute load time after you have authenticated is the time that it takes to prepare your session to run all of the applications in the catalog. This only happens once per session.
No Streaming Resources are Available
If you see the message "No streaming resources are available for your session" when signing in, all available Virtual Lab 2.0 sessions are currently in use.

Virtual Labs is aware of your attempt to sign in, and will begin preparing additional sessions, a process that could take up to ten minutes. We suggest you retry your login again. If you continue receiving this error, please contact the IT Help Desk.
Invalid SAML Response
If you see a message that says "Your request included an invalid SAML response" it means you are not authorized for access to Virtual Labs 2.0 (AppStream).

Please contact and provide your name, Username, and if appropriate, the class in which you want to use Virtual Labs 2.0.
App Appears as a Black Box
If an app's window appears as a black box instead of showing the app, follow these steps:
- Save any work in other Applications
- Click the User icon in the Navigation Bar
- Select End Session
- Restart a new Virtual Labs 2.0 (AppStream) session