How do I manage WordPress site users?
How do I manage users on my site as a site administrator?
There are five roles that you can assign to people who you want to blog with: Subscriber, Contributor, Editor, Author, or Administrator.
- Please be careful of the roles you give users on your site. If you add a user as an administrator, you are granting them full access. This means that she/he will be able to delete pages, posts, themes, etc…
What does each of the user groups have access too?
Read all public posts and pages
Edit and delete posts
Delete published posts
Publish posts
Upload media
Edit and delete any posts or pages
Manage tags
Manage categories
Moderate comments
Edit themes
Manage users
How do I add a user?
If you’re an Administrator and you’d like to make someone a Subscriber, Contributor, Author, or Editor on your site, go to Users → Add User. Fill their EWU Username and select the role you wish to give them using the drop-down.
How do I change a user role?
As an Administrator of a site, you can change other users’ roles by following the steps below.
- Head to Users → All Users in your WordPress admin.
- Click "Edit" below the user's avatar.
- Using the Role drop-down menu, select the new user role you want to assign.
- Click "Update User".