How do I install Microsoft Office on my personally owned computer?
Students, faculty, and staff may install Microsoft Office on up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets, and 5 smartphones (Chromebooks are not supported). For university-owned computers, please contact IT Help Desk (509.359.2247) for assistance.
- To get started, go to, then click Outlook from the grey bar of links across the top of the page.

- Click on Email from the drop down menu.
- If you're already logged in to your browser, your e-mail will open. Proceed to step 5. If you're not logged in, you will be prompted to enter your username. Type your full EWU Email address and click Next.

- Enter your SSO password and click Login. Your Email inbox will open.
- Click on the grid of squares at the top left of the page, next to Outlook.

- An expanding drop down menu will open. Click on Microsoft 365

- A new window will open. Click on Install and more at the top right of the page.

- A drop down menu will appear. Select Install Microsoft 365 apps.
- Select Install Office from the next window. A download of the install client will automatically begin. Follow the installation instructions to finish.

One important note - If you follow these instructions on an unsupported device, such as a ChromeBook, you will only see the options listed below. Check our Knowledge Base for instructions on using Office for iOS, iPad OS and Android.