Wepa: Print Credit / Wepa Account and EagleFlex
Print Credit / Wepa Account and EagleFlex
Print Credit and EagleFlex are two different forms of money that are tied to your EagleCard:
Print Credit:
Each student who pays the TechFee is provided a $9.00 print credit ($13.50 for Semester Students), which can only be used with Wepa printers. The Print Credit is accessed by swiping your EagleCard at Wepa Printers. The print credit does not carry over from quarter/semester to quarter/semester.
Wepa Account:
Each student is automatically assigned a Wepa Account. Your Wepa account is automatically updated at the start of each quarter or semester with Print Credit. You can manage your Wepa account by logging in at http://wepanow.com (choose school = Eastern Washington University and you will be prompted to login with your SSO).
Each student who has an EagleFlex account associated with their EagleCard can use those funds with Wepa printers.
Important note: Guest Copy Cards at PHIL stations do NOT work with Wepa printers. To learn more about EagleFlex, goto https://inside.ewu.edu/eaglecard/flex
If you have questions about your print credit, EagleFlex, or other services associated with your EagleCard contact the EagleCard Office at (509) 359-6184, Tawaka (TAW) Business Office.
When swiping your EagleCard at a Wepa station, you will see two accounts displayed:
- EagleCard balance, which is EagleFlex funds.
- Wepa Balance. Your Wepa account, with your Print Credit balance at the start of each quarter or semester.
Refer to the example screenshot below for a visual. Note the following highlighted areas:
- EagleCard balance (top right).
- Wepa Balance (top right).
- Wepa Help and Support phone# (800-675-7639) and email (HELP@WEPANOW.COM).
- Kiosk PROD# at lower left corner of screen. Wepa support may ask for the PROD#, to identify the specific printer you are having an issue with.